Solemnly closed VIII Latvian Youth Olympics that gathered 2800 athletes from 77 major cities and municipalities of Latvia. Athletes from city of Jelgava successfuly participated and won 60 medals – 16 gold, 21 silver and 23 bronz, thereby ranked 3rd in overall medal ranking.

The Olympic flame extinguished and the flag of Latvian Olympic Committee (LOC) was lowered by chempions of Latvian Youth Olimpics in swimming Germans Golcvarts, canoe Aleksejs Ševcovs, athletics Ričards Alans Kļaviņš, 3×3 basketball men’s team Roberts Barčevskis, Kristers Vējš, Maksims Rodins and Rainers Barkāns during the closing ceremony.
It is new highscore for Youth Olympics in both the overall medal ranking and the gold medal ranking won by athletes of Jelgava. Athletes of Jelgava were ranked 3rd after Riga and Daugavpils.
Watch the opening ceremony of the VIII Latvian Youth Olympics HERE.