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Sākumlapa NewsThe informative material “Jelgava in Figures 2022” has been published by Jelgava State City Municipality
The informative material “Jelgava in Figures 2022” has been published by Jelgava State City Municipality

In this informative material, interested parties can get acquainted with facts and figures that provide an insight into the municipality’s budget, population, education, employment, economy, projects, construction, transportation, healthcare, as well as social, cultural, tourism, sports, and sister city-related aspects.

“In 2022, Jelgava City faced a year of challenges and carefully considered decision-making, as the city’s development should not come to a halt even in times of rapid change. We are building our city for the long term, with an eye on the future. Pragmatic and thoughtful action allowed us to continue ongoing projects in 2022, avoid a severe energy crisis, and continue providing social support to the residents,” as indicated by Andris Rāviņš, Chairman of Jelgava City Council, in the introduction of the informative material.

For more facts and figures providing an insight into the city’s life, you can find them in the informative material “Jelgava in Numbers 2022.” This material provides an overview of the municipal basic budget revenue and expenditure structure, the demographic situation in the city – including the current population, national composition, age structure, migration balance, and natural population growth.

In the education category, you can find diverse statistical data on the number of students in the city’s educational institutions, while in the employment category, you can find data on the unemployment rate, working residents in Jelgava, including their distribution by job location areas, as well as the average gross monthly salary of workers.

In the economic category, you can get an insight into the city’s businesses – their legal forms and main activities. At the same time, the informative material introduces businesses with the highest turnover in Jelgava, highlighting the top 20 companies in manufacturing and providing information on the volume of foreign investments accumulated in Jelgava.

In the “Projects” section, you can learn about the most significant projects initiated in the reporting year, as well as detailed information on the funding of implemented projects. In the construction category, there is data on the most important objects and buildings that have been put into operation. In the transportation field, facts and figures have been prepared about the funds invested in Jelgava’s street reconstruction, road traffic accidents, as well as video cameras and the violations they have captured.

In the healthcare category, information about the number of doctors and facts about healthcare in Jelgava is summarized, while in the social field category, the informative report provides information on the amount of benefits granted by Jelgava City Municipality and their distribution by benefit types, social assistance, and voluntary initiative grants for Ukrainian civilians, as well as data on needy families and individuals.

In the field of culture, tourism, and sports, information is available about cultural events and their attendance, the demand for tourism information by the residents’ place of origin, the most visited tourist sites, as well as sports events and sports club activities.

The informative material “Jelgava in Numbers 2022” is available HERE.”