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Sākumlapa NewsIn the field of entrepreneurship, nine companies from Jelgava receive the Annual Business Awards
In the field of entrepreneurship, nine companies from Jelgava receive the Annual Business Awards

Today, at the Zemgale Region Competence Development Center (ZRCDC), in three categories, the Annual Business Awards of the Jelgava city were presented for the fifth time. A total of nine city companies were awarded, recognized highly by customers for their goods and services and nominated for the municipal competition. Additionally, for the first time at the event, participants of Jelgava municipality’s social entrepreneurship idea competition “Impulse” were honored, with awards presented to four companies.

“For the fifth year in a row, we gather city entrepreneurs at this event to express our gratitude for your achievements. Entrepreneurs, by paying taxes, are the ones who help the city grow and develop. Today, the usual order is rapidly changing in many areas – the pandemic has ended, but the conflict in Ukraine and the situation in the East continues; we face rising energy prices and various other increased regular expenses. These are challenges that make us pause and reflect, yet they also motivate us to become stronger, more knowledgeable, and more creative. I wish for everyone to continue being courageous, making decisions, adapting to circumstances, and seeking new opportunities for development,” expressed gratitude for their work Andris Rāviņš, Chairman of the Jelgava City Council, during the event, greeting the entrepreneurs.


Meanwhile, Liga Miķelsone, Head of the Entrepreneurship Support Department at ZRCDC, added that the annual awards event is an opportunity to thank city entrepreneurs for their contribution to the development of Jelgava’s economy, as well as for providing goods and services, while also inspiring other existing or aspiring entrepreneurs with success stories. “We are pleased to see among the awarded companies stable, serious businesses that over the years can set an example of not only adapting to changing economic conditions but also developing and scaling their business. In the evaluation process, various aspects of entrepreneurship are taken into account, such as social responsibility, innovation in product and service development, environmentally friendly solutions. It is natural that all sustainable companies, which are this year’s competition laureates, have achieved significant success in implementing these aspects,” evaluated L. Miķelsone, emphasizing that all applicants for the competition were grateful clients – another significant testament to the quality of these companies’ operations.

It should be noted that in the competition, companies were evaluated in three categories – “Socially Responsible Company,” “Creative Company,” and “Debut of the Year” – each encompassing companies with a workforce ranging from 1 to 10 employees, companies with 11 to 50 employees, and companies with more than 51 employees. Out of a total of 13 companies that applied, nine met the competition criteria and were further evaluated.


During the evaluation, considerations included the safety of the company’s working environment, its environmental friendliness, the company’s reputation, the development of innovative products and services, the entrepreneur’s contribution to promoting the name of Jelgava, and whether the entrepreneur supports the development of sports, education, and culture in the city. To better acquaint the competition commission with the performance of the nominated company in the respective category, representatives of the jury visited the companies on-site.

Companies with up to 10 employees received a €500 municipal cash prize, companies with 11 to 50 employees received an €800 cash prize, and companies with 51 or more employees received a €1,000 cash prize. Additionally, each company received a special glass award.

It is significant to emphasize that for the first time during the event, four participants of the municipality’s social entrepreneurship idea competition “Impulse” received awards. These participants entered the competition with ideas that generate a positive and significant social impact. The competition received ideas about establishing a publicly available professional recording studio, an escape game for exploring cultural heritage, support for children with autism spectrum disorders and their parents, as well as an idea for contemporary dance in water.

Upon receiving the idea applications, the competition evaluation committee initially examined the applicants’ compliance with the competition regulations. Subsequently, in the next stage of the competition, the applicants presented their competition ideas to the committee, revealing the significant social impact that would be created as a result of their realization. When evaluating the ideas, criteria such as the innovative aspect of the idea, the comprehensiveness and quality of the idea description, the social impact of the idea, the growth potential of the idea, the target group, and whether the cash prize would be used for idea implementation were taken into account. Winners were determined by assigning points based on the mentioned criteria.


The “Impulse” competition laureates received cash prizes at the event: 1st place – €1,000; 2nd place – €750; 3rd place – €500. Additionally, the committee awarded one encouragement prize of €100.


Recipients of the Annual Business Awards:

Category: “Creative Company”:

Pasākumu aģentūra Dace (Event Agency Dace) Ltd

Barboleta Ltd

Latvijas Piens Ltd


Category: “Socially Responsible Company”:

Migro Ltd

Mītavas Elektra Ltd

Evopipes Ltd


Category: “Debut of the Year”:

EM Doktorāts Ltd

EB-beauty Ltd

Jelgavas Poliklīnika Ltd


Recipients of the Social Entrepreneurship Idea Competition “Impulse”:

1st place – Atbalsta un attīstības centrs “Kopā” Ltd

2nd place – Austras Raksti Ltd

3rd place – BJMK Lds

Encouragement prize – Benfit Pro Ltd