3.6 °C, 2 m/s, 95.7 %

Energy Efficient Measures for Sustainable Buildings in Jelgava

Sākumlapa MunicipalityDocumentsProjectsEnergy Efficient Measures for Sustainable Buildings in Jelgava
Energy Efficient Measures for Sustainable Buildings in Jelgava

Jelgava Boarding-school No.2. implements special elementary education programs for students with physical and cognitive disorders. In September of 2014 one hundred and eighty-two students started studies at school. They have sports lessons in unsuitable premises – in a classroom of 50 m² and a corridor of 40 m², therefore the process of physical activities and rehabilitation does not correspond demands.


Jelgava City Council has implemented the project “Energy Efficient Measures for Sustainable Buildings in Jelgava”.

The project implementation period – 19 May, 2015 till 30 June, 2016.
The objective of the project was to build a new low energy house – gymnasium with premises for rehabilitation – in Jelgava Boarding-school No.2.

Project activities:

  • Project management;
  • Procurement procedures;
  • Building a new low energy house;
  • Demonstration of project results;
  • Publicity activities.

The project output – built 1 new low energy house – gymnasium with premises for rehabilitation. The construction works were done by the construction company “Latvijas Energoceltnieks.” The works were finished on the 31st of May, 2016.

Project outcomes:

  • Number of students with physical and cognitive disorders, who will use appropriate infrastructure for sports activities and rehabilitation – 182;
  • Created new work places – 4;
  • Energy consumption of space heating is 14, 23 kWh/ m².

Norway Inland Energy Agency was the project partner. The partner organization’s experts inspected the object and prepared recommendations about use of technologies of renewable energy resources in low energy houses and recommendations for maintenance of the new-built low energy house (gymnasium) in Jelgava Boarding-school No.2.  One of the experts presented the elaborated recommendations during the project final conference on the 28th of June, 2016 in Jelgava. 

Project budget: EUR 1 922 400, 00. Co-financing of financial instrument of the European Economic Zone – EUR 995 000, 00 and co-financing of Jelgava local authority – EUR 927 400, 00.



Finished project implementation


In 30 June of 2016 Jelgava city council finished implementation of the project “Energy Efficient Measures for Sustainable Buildings in Jelgava” contract No. 2/EEZLV02/14/AK/005/007). The project was co-financed by European Economic Area Financial Mechanism.


In 30 June of 2016 Jelgava city council finished implementation of the project “Energy Efficient Measures for Sustainable Buildings in Jelgava” contract No. 2/EEZLV02/14/AK/005/007). The project was co-financed by European Economic Area Financial Mechanism.

The main activity of the project was building of a new low energy consumption building. After implementation of the activity the new sports hall with rehabilitation premises is built for Jelgava Boarding School No.2 at 50 Filozofu street.

Construction works were done by Ltd. “Latvijas Energoceltnieks”, supervision of construction works by Ltd. “MM61” and the building project was elaborated by Ltd. “Baltex Group”.

Project outcomes:

  • Number of students with physical and cognitive disorders, who will use appropriate infrastructure for sports activities and rehabilitation – 182;
  • Created new work places – 4;
  • Energy consumption of space heating is – 14, 23 kWh/ m².

The project partner was Norway Inland Agency. The experts from the Agency inspected the object, evaluated the building project and prepared recommendations for maintenance of the new-built low energy consumption house (gymnasium).

The project eligible costs are 1 565 170,33 EUR, of which co-financing of European Economic Area Financial Mechanism is 893 793,70 EUR (57,11%) and  co-financing of Jelgava local authority is  671 376,63 EUR (42,89%).
