7.5 °C, 4.2 m/s, 85.8 %




Law “On Local governments”

This Law sets out the general provisions and basis for the activities of the local governments of Latvia, as well as of the chairpersons of city, the relations of local governments with the Cabinet and ministries, and general provisions for relations among local governments.

The English language text below is provided by the Translation and Terminology Centre for information only.

Jelgava in figures 
Every year statistical information about the city is published in a brochure “Jelgava in figures”. This, brochure can vividly and explicitly testify to the fact that Jelgava is a progressive and stable city even despite the economic stress Latvia and indeed the whole world has been through in last few years.

“Jelgava in figures” is rich with statistical data on the economy, demographics and other facts about the city. It will be great help for people who look to research more about the city.

The document is available HERE.

Jelgava Development Strategy 
The growth of Jelgava city is based on several spatial development planning documents: Jelgava city long-term development strategy for 2007 – 2020, Jelgava city spatial planning for the period from 2009 – 2021, and long-term document implementation documents for medium-term development programs in 2007- 2013, 2014 – 2020.
Quality management system 
In 2005 (along with the certificate ISO 14001:2004), Jelgava municipality was awarded Quality management system ISO certificate 9001:2009.

Such certificate acknowledges the high standard of organisation management system, including easy access to services, and smooth and stipulated operations.
Environmental management system
Jelgava municipality has been awarded Environmental management system ISO certificate 14001:2005. Requirements with guidance for use can be found online.