5.8 °C, 2.7 m/s, 96 %

Contact information

Sākumlapa Contact information
Central administration of Jelgava State city local government
You can register for a visit with the Chairman, Deputies, Executive director or experts in the muncipality by calling Client service center. Client service center is at your service in case you need information or help dealing with the municipality.
Foreign Affairs coordinator
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 210
Tel.: +371 63005567
E-mail: affairs@jelgava.lv
Press Secretary
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 210
Tel.: +371 63005558
E-mail: prese@jelgava.lv

Jelgava City Council

Andris Rāviņš
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 222
Tel.: +371 63005531
Deputy to Chairman
Management of Economic programmes
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 223
Tel: +371 63005502
Rita Vectirāne
Deputy to Chairman
Management of Social, Education and Culture programmes
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 217
Tel.: +371 63005501

Municipality administration

Irēna Škutāne
Executive Director
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 215
Tel.: +371 63005535


Gunita Osīte
Head of Development and City Planning Department
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 314
Tel.: +371 63005569
Iveta Šurma
Head of Public Relations Department
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 213
Tel.: +371 63005588
E-mail: Iveta.Surma@jelgava.lv
Dainis Petzāls
Head of Construction Department
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Room 318
Tel.: +371 63005571
E-mail: dainis.petzals@jelgava.lv
Diāna Pavlovska
Head of Registry Office
22 Svētes Street, Jelgava
Tel.: +371 63080522
E-mail: Diana.Pavlovska@jelgava.lv
Sigita Beļaka
Head of Real-Estate  Department
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Tel.: +371 63005518
E-mail: Sigita.Belaka@jelgava.lv
Egita Veinberga
Head of Community Centre
8 Skolotāju Street, Jelgava,
Tel.: +371 63023409
E-mail: Egita.Veinberga@sc.jelgava.lv
Baiba Jēkabsone
Head of Records Managment Office
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Tel.: +371 63005538
E-mail: Baiba.Jekabsone@jelgava.lv
Inese Meija
Head of Administrative Department
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Tel.: +371 63005536
E-mail: Inese.Meija@jelgava.lv
Māris Rēvelis
Head of Procurement Department
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Tel.: +371 63005483
E-mail: Maris.Revelis@jelgava.lv
Indra Lazdiņa
Head of Audit Department
8 Skolotaju Street, Jelgava
Tel.: +371 63005581
E-mail: Indra.Lazdina@jelgava.lv
Ināra Krīgere
Head of Finance Department
11 Lielā Street, Jelgava
Tel.: +371 63005525
E-mial: Inara.Krigere@jelgava.lv