Jelgava in short
Jelgava in short
Population: 61 304
Territory: 60,32 km2
Elevation: 2,5 – 4,5 m above the sea level
Elevation: 2,5 – 4,5 m above the sea level
Climate: Warm summer and spring, relatively mild autumn, cold winter. First frosts are observed in the begining of October; first snowfalls happen in December; snow melts by the end of March.
Ethnic composition: 58,9% Latvians, 26,9% Russians, 5,6% Belarusians, 2,5% Ukrainians, 1,9% Poles, 1,4% Lithuanians, 0,8% Romanies, 2% other (2015)
Situated just 42 km away from Riga.
Hub of six main motorways and five railway lines.
Notable industrial, administrative, educational and culture centre.
Hub of six main motorways and five railway lines.
Notable industrial, administrative, educational and culture centre.

Territory: 10 742 km2
Population: 242 052
Population: 242 052
Two largest rivers of Latvia – Daugava and Lielupe flow through the region.
Traversed by main motorways – Via Baltica (E67) and Riga – Moscow (A6), several railway lines and main oil and natural gas pipelines.
Owing to fertile soils, Zemgale is called The Granary of Latvia.
77% of the soils can be used for agricultural purposes.
21% of territory is woods.
Rich in mineral resources of peat, clay, dolomite, gypsum, limestone, gravel, sand.

International code: LV
Constitution: democratic parliamentary republic. The parliament, called the Saeima consists of 100 elected MPs.
Capital : Riga
Population: 1 934 379 (2018)
Territory: 64 589 km2
Administrative organisation: 9 cities and 109 municipalities
Traditionally divided into 4 regions: Vidzeme, Latgale, Kurzeme and Zemgale
Population density: 30,9 per km2
Ethnic composition : 62.2% Latvians, 25.2% Russians, 3.2% Belorussians, 2.2% Ukrainians, 2.1% Poles, 5.1% other
Dry land borders: Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania
Baltic Sea coast length: 494 km
Official language: Latvian (Baltic language group, Indo-European family of languages).
Climate: Warm summers, spring and autumn are relatively mild, cold winters.
The warmest month is July, the coldest months – January.
Currency: Euro
Local time: GMT + 2 hours, from April to November GMT +3
Electricity : 220 volts AC, 50 Hz. European style 2-pin plug
Main Religions: Evangelical Lutherans, Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox
Country code : +371