7.5 °C, 4.2 m/s, 85.8 %

Jelgava in short

Sākumlapa CityJelgava in short
Jelgava in short


About_Jelgava.pngPopulation: 61 304

Territory: 60,32 km2
Elevation: 2,5 – 4,5 m above the sea level
Climate: Warm summer and spring, relatively mild autumn, cold winter. First frosts are observed in the begining of October; first snowfalls happen in December; snow melts by the end of March.
Ethnic composition: 58,9% Latvians, 26,9% Russians, 5,6% Belarusians, 2,5% Ukrainians, 1,9% Poles, 1,4% Lithuanians, 0,8% Romanies, 2% other (2015)
Situated just 42 km away from Riga.
Hub of six main motorways and five railway lines.
Notable industrial, administrative, educational and culture centre.
Territory: 10 742 km2
Population: 242 052
Two largest rivers of Latvia – Daugava and Lielupe flow through the region.
Traversed by main motorways – Via Baltica (E67) and Riga – Moscow (A6), several railway lines and main oil and natural gas pipelines.
Owing to fertile soils, Zemgale is called The Granary of Latvia.
77% of the soils can be used for agricultural purposes.
21% of territory is woods.
Rich in mineral resources of peat, clay, dolomite, gypsum, limestone, gravel, sand.
Picture2.pngNational anthem: ‘Dievs, svētī Latviju!’ (God Bless Latvia).
International code: LV
Constitution: democratic parliamentary republic. The parliament, called the Saeima consists of 100 elected MPs.
Capital : Riga
Population: 1 934 379 (2018)
Territory: 64 589 km2
Administrative organisation: 9 cities and 109 municipalities
Traditionally divided into 4 regions: Vidzeme, Latgale, Kurzeme and Zemgale
Population density: 30,9 per km2
Ethnic composition : 62.2% Latvians, 25.2% Russians, 3.2% Belorussians,  2.2% Ukrainians, 2.1% Poles, 5.1% other
Dry land borders: Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania
Baltic Sea coast length: 494 km
Official language: Latvian (Baltic language group, Indo-European family of languages).
Climate: Warm summers, spring and autumn are relatively mild, cold winters.
The warmest month is July, the coldest months – January.
Currency: Euro
Local time: GMT + 2 hours, from April to November GMT +3
Electricity : 220 volts AC, 50 Hz. European style 2-pin plug
Main Religions: Evangelical Lutherans, Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox
Country code : +371