Youth organisations
Youth organisations
Zemgale NGO Centre

The centre provides consultations, information, training and technical support for NGOs in Zemgale region. In the centre you can also find information about all NGOs in the region.
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Latvia Students Union

The aim of the Union is to represent Latvia’s students and to supervise the observance of their rights, considering students are an important social group of community; and also represent their interests on the national and international level.
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Agency for International Programmes for Youth

The basic functions of State Agency „Agency for International Programmes for Youth” are administration of European Youth network Eurodesk in Latvia, and updating and addition of national information for European Youth Portal. Agency forwards the development of youth policy and strategy by coordinating, planning and preparing the use of international aids, programmes and projects for the development of state youth policy.
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Civic Alliance-Latvia
Civic Alliance-Latvia is an umbrella NGO headquartered in Riga, Latvia, which unites more than 60 non-governmental organizations and private members. The goal of the association is to improve legal and financial environment for the non-governmental sector in Latvia and to strengthen capacity of the NGOs for efficient public advocacy performance.
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Jelgava Pupils’ Council

Jelgava Pupil’s Council was founded in 1996 as self-government of pupils in Jelgava. Pupils from many schools in Jelgava, who want to improve life in Jelgava district and to help young people to protect their rights, work in the council.
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Children and Youth Club

Children and Youth Club works successfully since the October 2004 and offers to learn to play guitar, classical guitar, bass guitar, synthesiser and drums with great teachers. One can also take part in instructional ensembles using the rehearsal rooms that the club offers, to attend master classes from time to time, to perform in musical theatre, and to attend traditional, well appraised concerts which are organised by the club. You can do it allt in a pleasant, informal atmosphere – in “Children and Youth Club”.
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The organisation “Kovārsnis” (Jackdaw) unites young people from Jelgava, Jelgava district, Dobele for social activity with the aim to enable the development of democratic society and to improve interest education.
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Post Scriptum

Aim of the organisation is to create pleasant and useful opportunities for spending free time in Jelgava and Jelgava district, actively take part in Latvian Youth Policy/Politics, and popularise NGOs.
Contact information:
Students’ Council of the Latvia University of Agriculture

Council defines itself as students’ rights protecting, co-ordinating, and informing structure. They are also responsible for organising cultural and leisure events.
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