6.7 °C, 2.4 m/s, 96.3 %

Useful to know

Useful to know

Jelgava Regional Tourism Centre offers information and help to tourists who are looking to see more of Jelgava City, Jelgava County and Ozolnieki County. 

Adress: 1 Akadēmijas Street, Jelgava, LV 3001
Telephone: +371 63005445; +371 63005447

Public transport in Jelgava is made convenient for everyone. Commuting to Riga is easier than ever. Owing to well developed train system and taxi network you can get anywhere at any time. More information

Currency – EUR

When around the city, you can settle financial issues in one of many branches of various banks, however, have no doubt – most of the shops accept all classical credit cards.

Emergency and information 
In Latvia just as in the whole EU the universal emergency number is 112. But paralel to thet there are also individual emergency numbers for every department which connect you directly. You can call Fire and rescue service by dialling 01, the general telephone number for police is 02, and the medical care service can be reached by calling 03. However, local telephone numbers are at your service as well in case you need some help, information or want to report some failure. More information
Owing to Internet and telecommunications all the world is within a hand’s reach. In Jelgava you will find both classical communication means – post offices and modern means for exchanging information – Internet and wi-fi.