7 °C, 3.9 m/s, 89.1 %

Integration and Inclusion

Sākumlapa CityCommunityIntegration and Inclusion
Integration and Inclusion

Integration and Inclusion Agency

One Stop Shop for Newcomers, Third-Country Nationals, Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Latvia

If you have recently arrived in Latvia and are planning to stay here to live, work or study, then you might face many questions. Integration and Inclusion Agency was created to provide you with a personalised service for all immigration-related queries. As our name suggests, we are a one-stop service where you can find the necessary information and support, all in one place.


Skolotāju Street 8 (Room nr. 107), Jelgava,

www.integration.lv, https://www.facebook.com/iialatvia/,

+371 25915300 (also Whatsapp),



Working hours:

Monday 9.00 – 18.00
Tuesday 13.00 – 17.00
Wednesday 9.00 – 13.00
Thursday 9.00 – 13.00
Friday 9.00 – 13.00



  • In-person & Phone Consultations – currently held in our offices in Rīga, Liepāja, Jelgava and Daugavpils. Make sure to book your time via phone.
  • Online Consultations – available by messaging to our WhatsApp phone numbers and by email.
  • Oral & Written Translationsprovided from and to Latvian, in more than 24 languages.
  • Psychological Support Psychologists and Psychotherapists are available upon request.
  • Legal Assistancein writing and in-person on various relevant matters available..



Integration and Inclusion Agency provides information about Latvian state authorities, institutions and other related organisations. Our services are based on the specific needs of third country nationals legally residing in Latvia and individuals seeking international protection in Latvia. Individual consultations are available in person in Rīga, Liepāja, Jelgava and Daugavpils, through phone and online channels in Latvian, Russian and English.



  • Migrationimmigration services and processing of a residence permit, visa or citizenship documents.
  • Employmentlabour rights, opportunities for finding a job and starting a business.
  • Housingdeclaring residence, finding housing and social assistance from municipalities.
  • HealthcareLatvian health system and steps to be allocated to a family doctor.
  • Social Support & Help procedures for receiving benefits, allowances and pensions.
  • Education – starting or continuing education, recognition of existing foreign educational documents, non-formal education opportunities and volunteer initiatives.


Integration and Inclusion Agency is a governmental agency funded by the EU “Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund” (75%) and the budget of the Republic of Latvia (25%).