7 °C, 3.9 m/s, 89.1 %

Science & Research

Sākumlapa BusinessScience & Research
Science & Research

Jelgava has historically been one of the centres of science and research in Latvia.


Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies


Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies offers a wide variety of scientific services. Scientists of LUA cooperate with Latvian Council of Science work on international projects and programs and also execute researches for state institutions as well as private companies.

  University does research on:

  • Multifunctional agriculture, agrobiotechnology (innovative, functional and eco-friendly technologies of food production and processing, biomass biotechnology);
  • Livestock welfare and health (high quality products, safety and healthiness);
  • Energetics (renewable, eco friendly energy sources, energy delivery security and energy efficiency);
  • Information Technology (safe software, integrated information and communication systems and networks, electronic agricultural and forestry technologies);
  • Material Science (new generation composit materials, production of functional materials);
  • Forest Science (sustainability, new products and technologies)
  • Ecology (nature resource conservation, sustainable management and protection, regional effects of climate change on water ecosystems and adaptation, Baltic Sea and inner basin environment)
  • Sustainable rural development

Research department
Address:Room 189, Jelgava Palace
2 Liela Street, Jelgava, LV-3001
Telephone: +371 63005685
E-mail: research@llu.lv


Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute


The institute (abbreviated as MeKA) was established in late 2004 by Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia National Forests, Latvian Forest Industry Federation. The institute has a testing laboratory and it is a research centre as well as a further education centre.

The institute provides services of standard assesment for wood and timber products in accordance with European and ISO system standarts (physically mechanical testing, fire reaction testing and furniture and surface quality testing). It also includes a Forest and Wood Product Scientific Research Centre which does research on materials and technology, fire safety, energy and economics. The institute also offers training services by providing e-learning, seminārs, courses and forest machinary operator training.

Contact information:
Address: 41Dobeles Street , Jelgava, Latvia, LV 3001
Telephone: +371 63010605
Fax: +371 63010609
E-mail: meka@e-koks.lv
