7.5 °C, 4.2 m/s, 85.8 %


Sākumlapa BusinessAdvantages

Easy access

The fact that Jelgava lies on the junction of six motor highways and railroads leading in five directions, testifies that the City as one of the main transportation hubs in Latvia which makes Jelgava an attractive place for business.

Not only is Jelgava on the junction of six major Latvia’s highways, the City is also a part of Via Baltica. Via Baltica is one of 9 most important highways in the EU connecting cities of Berlin, Warsaw, Kaunas, Siaulia, Riga and Tallin and Jelgava to all of Europe.

Jelgava is a railroad intersection connecting the city to all major Latvian ports – Rīga, Ventspils, Liepāja, Russian cities and Siaulia in Lithuania. For more information about freight transportation by train visit the Latvian Railroad web site.

Riga International Airport (RIX)
The airport is just 45 km from Jelgava. It takes about 40 minutes to make the trip by car – the same amount of time it takes to go to RIX from Riga. For more information visiot the Airport’s website.

Lielupe docks There is also a possibility to deliver cargo to and from Jelgava using the waterway of Lielupe river.

Distance to:
Riga – 42 km
Tallinn – 350 km
Vilnius – 295 km
Moscow 1053 km
Berlin – 1221 km

Nearest sea ports:
Riga port – 40 km
Ventspils port – 175 km
Liepāja port – 186 km

Regional centre

Jelgava is the centre of Zemgale region. The city attracts specialists who study in the local university and professionals from all around the country. This and the fact that  Jelgava has long standing traditions in industry means that finding qualified workers for your business and reaching  customers from around the region will be easier than elsewhere.

Education and training oportunities
The Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies with it’s 8 faculties and many different education programs is located in Jelgava. For more information on Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies visit their home page.

Jelgava also has an advanced Zemgale Region Human Resource and Competences Development Centre which offers a variety of courses and ways to improve professional skills. The Centre has a Metal-fabrication branch that offers training for CNC turns, several high-tech welding programs etc.

There are also vocational education institutions in Jelgava. Jelgava Crafts’ High school offers to learn professions like car mechanic, woodworker, finishing work technician, secretary, carpenter, caterer, information technology specialist. In the High School of Crafts professions of assistant chef, fitter, pastry-cook, chef, hairdresser, locksmith, turner, tailor and clothing stylist, sewing specialist, baker, digital machinery programming specialist and small scale wholesale trade specialist can be obtained