6.4 °C, 2.3 m/s, 93.1 %


Sākumlapa NewsThe main Christmas tree of Jelgava has been lit
The main Christmas tree of Jelgava has been lit

On November 28, the central Christmas tree of the city of Jelgava was lit in the Duke Jacob’s Square on the first of Advent. For the tenth year the tree is made of many small Christmas trees arranged in the metal structure and will delight the townspeople until the middle of January.

The total height of the city’s central Christmas tree is 18 meters and it is decorated with 150 LED strings, each 20 meters long – in total the ornamental string with lights is 3,000 meters long. The spruce is illuminated by four spotlights and is decorated with balls of different sizes – 24 sets attached to the cable. Pearl, gold and bronze balls are 25 to 45 centimeters in diameter. The metal structure of the tree is about 18 meters high; it consists of 33 natural spruces, the crown heights of which are from 3.5 to 6.5 meters. There is also a festive photo frame with lights and decorations by the Christmas tree, where residents of Jelgava and city guests can take photos.


Taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country, this year same as last year, a public Christmas tree lighting event is not organized, but the city has invited the inhabitants to join the virtual Christmas tree lighting event “Light the Christmas tree!” Anyone could use their imagination to create creative works depicting a Christmas tree. Every drawing, photograph, wish or greeting that was sent virtually helped to light up the city’s main ornament – the Christmas tree in Duke Jacob’s Square.


Everyone who responded to the invitation, received a special greeting in email and in video format – “THE FAIRY TALE STOP”, but the authors of the most interesting works will receive a surprise prize.


Christmas decorations for the city are conceptually chosen to best suit a particular urban area they are located in. The most decorated are the places in the city where the flow of people is the highest. When planning the placement of Christmas decorations, the opinion of the residents is also taken into account.


This year, holiday decor in Jelgava of various shapes and sizes are located in:

  • LED traditional branch/wooden decors placed both on the ground and in the trees in the Station Park;
  • LED lantern brushes in Vecpilsētas Street;
  • LED strings on lighting supports on the highway to Lithuania from the Union to Platones Street;
  • LED decor for the boat with sails at the lighting poles on Pasta Island;
  • LED chains in a group of spruce trees on Loka highway – at the intersection with Rīgas Street, Old Road, Bērzu Road;
  • LED 3D decorations on lighting supports in Lielā Street from Jāņa Čakste Boulevard to Dambja Street and in the bridges of Lielupe and Driksas rivers;
  • LED curtains in tree crowns in Duke Jacob’s Square;
  • LED decorations “3D Star” in trees on Pasta Street along Raiņa Park;
  • LED decors – balls in trees at the intersection of Rīgas Street and Pērnavas Street;
  • LED decor “Star circle with a ball” for lighting support on Rupniecibas Street from Pulkveža Oskara Kalpaka Street to Tērvetes Street;
  • LED chains in trees in Raina Street from Peter Street to Skolas Street;
  • LED chains on lighting supports and Christmas tree with decorations “3D Zvaigzne” and chains on Driksas Street;
  • Metal frame LED decors Star trees on the Dobele highway at Love Alley;
  • LED decors on the ground in Satiksmes Street;
  • Christmas tree with LED strings and decors in Victory Park.